Our neighbors are our partners and we band together to accomplish difficult things.
If you’re inspired to take action
There are many ways to take small steps that collectively add up to real change if we are all pushing in the same direction. Here are a few suggestions.
Send an email or letter to city council
Los Altos City Hall
1 North San Antonio Road
Los Altos, CA 94022Join our informational and call-to-action email distribution (see below), we don’t spam, our missives go out maybe once a month.
Send us a comment or question (below) and ask us how we can help you take action.
Meet city council members in person and ask them questions during their open office hours. See times and places here.
Attend a city council meeting at the above address and speak on a cause that affects you. Council meetings are every other Tuesday evening at 7pm at City Hall, see the address above. See council’s agenda and meeting details here.
send us a comment
If you would like to let us know something, tell us below and one of us will get back to you.